
About Paul Harris

Global Spiritual Awareness

Shakespeare Videos

Swords Into Plowshares-626k

Food for Everyone

Global Health

Improving Global Governance

Improving Global Governance

The people of the world are more interdependent than ever before.
How can global issues be resolved effectively, fairly and peacefully?


The End of Poverty:
17 UN Sustainable Development Goals

Global values, mission, and vision:

Values...  Let's build a peaceful, prosperous, just and sustainable global culture based on the principle: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
                       Prayer for World Unity   or  
            Conversation 1   or   Conversation 2
                       or  Martin Luther's Mistake

Mission... Mission Statement for Humanity

Vision... Vision Statement for Humanity

Good Global Governance:

Can a G-25 Provide Good Global Governance?

Can the World's Largest Metropolitan Areas Join Together to Provide Good Global Governance?